To migrate your PostgreSQL database to MySQL using Rosetta, you can follow these simple steps:
Install the required JDBC drivers for both PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.
Download and install Rosetta on your system.
Configure Rosetta to connect to your PostgreSQL and MySQL databases in a YAML config file. Here’s an example of how you can set up connections in the YAML config file:
- name: postgres_prod
databaseName: mydatabase
schemaName: public
dbType: postgres
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase
userName: user
password: pass
- name: mysql_prod
databaseName: mydatabase
schemaName: myschema
dbType: mysql
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase
userName: user
password: pass
- Use Rosetta to generate DDL from your PostgreSQL database and transpile it to MySQL by running the following command:
rosetta generate --source=postgres_prod --target=mysql_prod --output-dir=./mysql_ddl
This will generate the MySQL DDL files in the ./mysql_ddl
- Execute the generated DDL files on your MySQL database to create the required tables, indexes, and other objects.