Generate Spark Python and Scala Data Transfer Code

To generate Spark Python and Scala data transfer code to RosettaDB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the required JDBC drivers for your source and target databases.

  2. Download and install Rosetta on your system.

  3. Configure Rosetta to connect to your source and target databases. You can do this by updating the YAML config file with the connection details for each database.

  4. Use Rosetta to generate DDL from your source database and transpile it to your desired target. You can do this by running the Rosetta CLI command with the appropriate arguments.

  5. Once you have generated the DDL, you can use Spark Python or Scala to transfer the data between the source and target databases. You can do this by writing code that reads data from the source database using Spark SQL or DataFrame APIs and writes the data to the target database using JDBC.